Edited by
Linn Eleanor Zhang
How it all began...
As a unique group of transnational workers, diplomats, and their families live a truly global life constantly on the move. Such a lifestyle can be incredibly rewarding and challenging at the same time. Don’t we ask ourselves - Are we so culturally intelligent that we can avoid being either too loud and pushy or too unfriendly and reserved in all the posting countries? ​How to get to the end of the world and come back in one piece even if we may have changed deeply inside? ​
Are we experts at the subtle and emotional aspect of transition and can easily learn and use new ways of thinking wherever we go? How to be a contemporary trailing working spouse without being “spoused”? Does such transnational work really impact positively on our wellbeing as it has often been assumed to be so? How to be a digital nomad family traveling the world avoiding the ups and downs of raising our children on the hoof? What do we do now in a Covid-19 world?
Collectively we reflect on these issues in this book. Most of us met in London in 2016. During the many meetings organized by Diplomatic Spouse Club London, this book idea was born. With the intention to help families of diplomats, we openly share our experiences and we invite you to truly see us as who we are.
The Authors
Edited by
Linn Eleanor Zhang
Written by
Ilona Kenkadze
Julia Gajewska-Pratt
M. Mohammed
Marzia Brofferio Celeste
Monica Pavese Rubins
Agnes Fenyvesy
Amy Richardson
Britten Holter
Carmen Davies
Emilia Atmanagara
Nina Rousu
Olga Lucia Lozano
Ratna Roshida Ab Razak
Valentina Prevolnik Rupel
Manca Rupel
Zoofa Talha